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Take your mom to the park this Mother’s Day! There are several in the city of YEG now where you can open a bottle and enjoy. These two white wines would be perfect to enjoy with a picnic lunch this Mother’s Day!
意大利 伦巴第
Ca dei Frati I Frati Lugana DOC 2020是一款由100% Trebbiano di Lugana葡萄酿造的白葡萄酒,生长在意大利伦巴第的Lugana次区域。这款酒呈稻草黄色,带有绿色亮点,具有白色花朵、柑橘和热带水果的复杂香气。在口感上,它是新鲜的、清脆的、平衡的,有一个长的和矿物的回味。这款酒是卢加纳次区域生产的葡萄酒质量和优雅的典范。
Natural Wine自然酒
法国 波尔多